NESL provides wide range of professionals and technical expertise acquired and hired from amongst the best professionals available at home and abroad. NESL maintains excellent management and supervision team for specialized exploration, development and production activities. Our people are dedicated, achiever, productive, adaptable, well qualified and excellent in workmanship.

NESL provides those professional, skilled and semi-skilled foreign workers from all over the world.
Our recent exposures of hiring expatriates originating from the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, EU Countries, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, Romania, Russia, Egypt, China can be mentioned.
These expatriates are placed in the maintenance and /or construction on–shore exploration, development and production of oil and gas fields, industrial paints, Technology and communications, power stations and many other major industrial undertakings.
Our excellent database of carefully selected people is our strength. Where we do not have immediate suitable candidate, we arrange to advertise in the print and electronic media to identify required personnel.
NESL has access to personnel data bank with vast range of highly skilled, qualified and experienced personnel. Over the last ten years, NESL have managed approximately positions of150 expatriate and 500 national consultants for covering finance, administrations, legal, communications, catering, IT, engineering, pipelines, explorations, drilling, health safety, seismic, geological, environmental, medical and other related fields of high skilled category.